Posted via web from PunchyP
Friday, May 28, 2010
BP Bloody Pathetic
Clare Peterson
Posted via email from PunchyP
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My Interview with Stephen Quinn today on Social Media
This is an interview I conducted today on Skype and recorded it with a demo version of Call Recorder v2.3.10. Stephen Quinn is Assoc. Professor of Journalism at Deakin, Geelong, Australia and a freelance Journalilst and Mojo. This will form part of the research report I am conducting into social media and journalism, which will be published in a final report via my research blog and this postperous site. I hope you find the tips helpful in detailing which social media applications you should be using now to improve your online presence and employment prospects in Media. Further information from the extended interview yesterday and the larger version of this interview will posted in audio form in the next few days.
Posted via email from PunchyP
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The sunset we often miss in our busy little lives
"Waterhaven" in the middle of the highway
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thanks for nothing MYKI, Vline and transport policy morons who cannot even copy a workable system and get it right
To start off, I put all of my cash onto the new/FAKE 'myki' machine that was on the station platform, only to then be told that it is just a 'test' machine which apparently cannot issue you a pass or a receipt but can function enough to take all of my money. This early morning realisation that yet another government policy that achieved nothing and cost everything was yet again bothering me, was followed by the vline ticket office then telling me that "we know nothing about myki, have had no training in myki and can do nothing about the myki machine" taking my money, followed closely by them telling me that I could not then eftpos my ticket purchase because there was a minimum amount...yes, they did get something right, there is a minimum amount of bullshit that someone should have to go through to try and pay someone for the pleasure of sitting on the floor all the way to melbourne. So after then withdrawing more cash, which of course meant I missed said train, I jumped on the next one (22 minutes later) to finally find an actual seat, 5 carriages up the train. Being distracted with the notion that I had just paid $32.60 for a seat and I could perhaps not sit on the crusty floor for a change, I was then abruptly disturbed by a man who clearly made a regrettable career wish in primary school, who told me that I was in fact sitting in a "first class carriage". As I looked around at the exact same seating decor and cramped leg room as seen in the other carriages, I looked at him and said thanks for the tip. Still confused about his career options available to him in the 'work for the dole' scheme, he continued to explain his banal thoughts that this meant I could not sit there with my calculated fare of $25 to myki and $7.60 to vline and I would have to relive my tourtous trek through the carriage, stepping over disgruntled sheep and say goodbye to another banal 15 minutes of my life, to find a warm, encrusted place to seat on the floor further down. As I put my headphones back on and smirked at the said leader of the sheep and peered at my watch which stated that even if the train was late arriving (as to be expected) I still only had another 10 minutes of this enjoyable commute, he continued to have his rant, and insist I paid an additional $3 if I did not want to move to the lower-class cattle carriage. So to bring a long and tiresome whinge to an end, I paid a total of $35.60 to arrive 45 minutes late for my lecture at university. And seeing the pay disputes and lack of fair and permanent working contracts for the university staff was continuing since johnny brought the australian universities into disrepute in his reign of terror, the lecturer (which last I heard was being paid in myer gift vouchers) promptly ended the lecture at the 50 minute mark...
Thankfully the myki system is up and running in the city trams and despite already having a ticket included with my vline pass, it managed to swipe my defunct and useless card that was in my pocket and carefully deduct my tram ride twice!
Thanks for nothing asshole corporate and governmental wankers. Go have your 3 hour friday lunch with my tax dollars and come up with another genius "it's all part of the transport plan" policy.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Media Ownership regulations take another victim
Well a quote that I think says it all...
"objectivity in a general-interest newspaper is a losing strategy." Well let's hope not, but it certainly seems that way when it comes to reading any of Murdoch's papers...
An interesting article in the NY Times regarding Murdoch's right-winged transformations in the Wall Street Journal. Yes scary, but true. When governments around the world keep allowing these media moguls to purchase paper after paper and tv station after tv station well what do you expect. I'm guessing what you expect is that they will then help pass on your governmental propoganda through the media but that is not always going to come back in your do us all a favour and allow us to have the opportunity to read 'news' from a variety of media owners - at least that way the government could be sure that their views would be wholly published by at least one media source, instead of being manipulated by both!
"But Mr. Murdoch and his lieutenants have made two significant bets: that the cachet and reputation of The Wall Street Journal are elastic enough to encompass a much broader array of news and that objectivity in a general-interest newspaper is a losing strategy."
- The Media Equation - Tilting to the Right at Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal - (view on Google Sidewiki)
Monday, May 10, 2010
'ABC The Drum Unleashed - I'm tough, but I'm sacked and I'm heart broken' Catherine Deveny
Here is Catherine Deveny's personal views on her sacking from the Age. A brillantly written column, as to be expected, which raises some important discussion points in today's society. Further information and links can be found in my research blog which is currently exploring journalism in Australia and the use of social networking media. It is a work in progress and the final report will be published in early June 2010.
Keep writing Deveny, I enjoy your work and understand your type of humour and social commentary. Those who don't should probably stop following her on Twitter, as I think you are missing the point that you are choosing to read her tweets as a follower. And I agree, those who did not choose to read her tweets by following her on Twitter and instead read them via a 'news source' website, may have misunderstood her context or humour. Twitter is a social networking tool and not a news source. It disseminates personal 'news' or personal momentary opinions of the tweeters and whether you read those thoughts should be a choice for those who are choosing to follow someone on Twitter. Do Tweets sometimes come into the headlines? Yes, but the media sources that publish those tweets should also accept responsibility for hurting people when they CHOOSE to publish remarks, observations or comments that they believe are offensive. Accessing a mainstream media sources headline page on their website should not lead readers to be exposed to comments already deemed offensive by the said publishing media source.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
KFC's biggest the mothers loved it
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hey Hey its Catherine Deveny being twittered off the aged newspaper
And moreover if this is a reflection on the state of newspapers and their incessant self-induced fear of loosing readers; it is clearly beyond repair now if 200 blogs against Deveny posted on the age site were the reason for her dismissal. So the 200 of against readers and the 200+ of readers on Deveny's blog, twitter and facebook page that swear to never buy another copy of the Age means the paper was squeezing in about 400 readers prior to the 'debacle' they so openly broadcast across their pages -even when it was about one of their own temporarily paid columnists. Considering readership was up around 749 000 daily on weekdays in 2007. I'm guessing the age editor in question has a such scaringly low readership issue and no doubt a political and corporate agenda clouding his judgement. As a result he may just be the next newspaper journo to be tweetered into centrelink.
I dearly hope this latest episode of right-wing, macho male, media bromances is not another sign that Australia is slumping back into the dark days of liberal leadership again, particularly at the disposal of the biggest offense of all, Abutt. I feared this regression may be on the cards when that formiddable show, "hey hey we cannot even get a slot on the day mentioned in our banal name" was allowed back onto the chokeways - after all the only reason it remained on 'air' with its racist jaunts in the guise of 'red faces' for so many years was because the people with the ratings boxes were the same people that voted the racist and tyrannical Johnny in. I can only hope that with the move to Digital television and the need to now purchase equipment for the pleasure of watching the rewarding offerings from Australian TV the Queenslanders and/or trailer park trash that keeps 'hey ho not only the hosts but also our name is redundant' currently on air and which also watch ACA and worse form their political opinions thereafter may substitute their television expenditure for a nice warm slab of bourbon and cola. That way with them occupied and tv-free, the rest of the nation can actually have television, columnists and prime ministers that can progress society, not degress it back to the dark ages of 2004.