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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hey Hey its Catherine Deveny being twittered off the aged newspaper

And Darryl somers is still on the air and considered NOT offensive? Cannot even consider why Matt(e) johns, Sam Old-man, Brendan duh fevola or any other truly offensive, sexist and in some cases gang rapist morons are still paid media 'representatives'. Don't even get me started on Kyle what's-his-name because sadly as a reflection on the true state of the nation, he is amongst other deeply offensive, not to mention mind-numbingly boring Z-grade leftovers from a migraine induced celebrity hangover tv 'hosts' that are back on the suffocating, polluted 'air'. If personal tweets can be labelled as offensive and unacceptable by a dying newspaper, surely having to not only hear Darryl Winters' inane thoughts but to have his smirking face broadcast across the digital waves we now have to pay to see is surely beyond insulting.

And moreover if this is a reflection on the state of newspapers and their incessant self-induced fear of loosing readers; it is clearly beyond repair now if 200 blogs against Deveny posted on the age site were the reason for her dismissal. So the 200 of against readers and the 200+ of readers on Deveny's blog, twitter and facebook page that swear to never buy another copy of the Age means the paper was squeezing in about 400 readers prior to the 'debacle' they so openly broadcast across their pages -even when it was about one of their own temporarily paid columnists. Considering readership was up around 749 000 daily on weekdays in 2007. I'm guessing the age editor in question has a such scaringly low readership issue and no doubt a political and corporate agenda clouding his judgement. As a result he may just be the next newspaper journo to be tweetered into centrelink.

I dearly hope this latest episode of right-wing, macho male, media bromances is not another sign that Australia is slumping back into the dark days of liberal leadership again, particularly at the disposal of the biggest offense of all, Abutt. I feared this regression may be on the cards when that formiddable show, "hey hey we cannot even get a slot on the day mentioned in our banal name" was allowed back onto the chokeways - after all the only reason it remained on 'air' with its racist jaunts in the guise of 'red faces' for so many years was because the people with the ratings boxes were the same people that voted the racist and tyrannical Johnny in. I can only hope that with the move to Digital television and the need to now purchase equipment for the pleasure of watching the rewarding offerings from Australian TV the Queenslanders and/or trailer park trash that keeps 'hey ho not only the hosts but also our name is redundant' currently on air and which also watch ACA and worse form their political opinions thereafter may substitute their television expenditure for a nice warm slab of bourbon and cola. That way with them occupied and tv-free, the rest of the nation can actually have television, columnists and prime ministers that can progress society, not degress it back to the dark ages of 2004.

1 comment:

  1. is the correct term "twittercide" or was she "twurdered" by colconel mustward on the intwernet with the twitter
